Institut für Dokumentologie und Editorik

Genre Analysis and Corpus Design: Nineteenth-Century Spanish-American Novels (1830–1910)


Index of Examples

Example 1: An entry from “authors.xml”.

Example 2: An entry from “works.xml”.

Example 3: An entry from “editions.xml”.

Example 4: A rule in the Schematron file “works.sch”.

Example 5: Subgenre labels for the work “Los casamientos del diablo”.

Example 6: Subgenre labels for the work “Santa”.

Example 7: Title statement of the novel “Adoración”.

Example 8: Extent and publication statement of the novel “Adoración”.

Example 9: Restricted access for the novel “María de Montiel”.

Example 10: Source description of the novel “Adoración”.

Example 11: Encoding description of the novel “Adoración”.

Example 12: Abstract of the novel “Adoración”.

Example 13: Keywords for the novel “Adoración”.

Example 14: A section of the TEI taxonomy of keywords.

Example 15: Schematron file to control the metadata.

Example 16: Revision description of the novel “Adoración”.

Example 17: Front matter of the novel “Adoración”.

Example 18: Back matter of the novel “Clemencia”.

Example 19: Beginning of the novel “Adoración”.

Example 20: Encoding of a subdivision inside a chapter in the novel “A fuego lento”.

Example 21: Encoding of non-standard oral speech highlighted in italics in the novel “Cecilia Valdés o la Loma del Ángel”.

Example 22: Encoding of a gap in the novel “El tálamo y la horca”.

Example 23: Encoding of verse lines in the novel “Los Hermanos del Silencio”.

Example 24: Encoding of dramatic speech in the novel “Pot-pourri”.

Example 25: Encoding of a newspaper ad in the novel “La virgen del Niágara”.

Example 26: Encoding of quotations in the novel “La joven de la flecha de oro”.

Example 27: Encoding of direct speech in the novel “Adoración”.

Example 28: Encoding of direct thought in the novel “S. Y.”.

Example 29: Encoding of direct speech in the novel “Los precursores”.

Example 30: Encoding of direct speech in the novel “La Ginesa”.

Example 31: Encoding of direct speech in the novel “Peregrinaciones de un alma triste”.

Example 32: Encoding of direct speech in the novel “Puebla”.

Example 33: A parenthesis introduced with hyphens in the novel “Adoración”.

Example 34: Excerpt from the tokenized version of the novel “El guajiro”, with stand-off direct speech annotation.

Example 35: Encoding of an embedded letter in the novel “Amelia de Floriani o el castillo del diablo”.

Example 36: Encoding of an embedded newspaper article in the novel “Divertidas aventuras del nieto de Juan Moreira”.

Example 37: Processing instructions in a TEI corpus file.

Example 38: Subgenre labels for the novel “Rastaquouère” in the work list of Bib-ACMé.

Example 39: Encoding of subgenre labels in the novel “Rastaquouère” in the corpus file.

Example 40: Excerpts from the introduction to the novel “Rastaquouère”.

Example 41: Excerpts from the first chapter of the novel “La Mestiza”.

Example 42: Excerpt from the plain text version of the novel “El guajiro”.

Example 43: Command line call of the FreeLing analyzer program.

Example 44: Annotation result in the FreeLing XML format.

Example 45: Annotation result in the TEI format.

Example 46: FreeLing output for verb forms with enclitic pronouns (in CLiGS TEI-format).

Example 47: FreeLing output for verb forms with enclitic pronouns (in CLiGS TEI-format).

Example 48: Phrase with corrected morphological analysis and POS assignment.

Example 49: Example sentence for character n-gram creation.

Example 50: Example sentence from the novel “Amalia” (1855, AR) by José Mármol.